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  1. BulletOsendarp, Saskia; Eilander, Ans. Iron deficiency and cognitive development. Chapter in: David Benton (ed) Lifetime nutritional influences on cognition, behaviour and psychiatric illness. Woodhead Publishing Ltd. Cambridge, UK. 2011 p 94-108

  1. BulletEilander Ans, Osendarp Saskia, Tiwari Jyoti. Foods for the Brain. Chapter in: Smith J, Charter E. (eds). Functional food product development. Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Oxford, UK. 2010 p 344-361

  1. BulletSaskia Osendarp, Inge Brouwer, Werner Schultink, Tina van den Briel. 40 jaar international nutrition in Wageningen. Voeding Nu 2008 (in Dutch)

  1. BulletAlida Melse-Boonstra, Saskia Osendarp, Inge Brouwer. Preventie van ondervoeding bij aanstaande moeders en jonge kinderen in ontwikkelingslanden vraagt om prioriteit. Voeding Nu 2008 (in Dutch)

  1. BulletOsendarp SJM., Roy SK., Fuchs GJ. Results from the Bangladesh Integrated Nutrition Project (BINP) Operations Research Project (ORP). Volume 5. -12. Assessment of alternative strategies to increase the micronutrient content of the Bangladesh Integrated Nutrition Project (BINP) food supplement. 13. Assessment of child feeding practices for development and improvement of IEC strategies as implemented by BINP. 14. Development of improved complementary foods and feeding practices in rural Bangladesh. - ICDDR,B. Dhaka. October 2000.

  1. BulletOsendarp SJM., Roy SK., Fuchs GJ. Results from the Bangladesh Integrated Nutrition Project (BINP) Operations Research Project (ORP). Volume 4. -10. Socio-demographic and health characteristics of Bangladeshi malnourished children requiring food supplementation and risk factors for relapse back into the food supplementation programme among under-2 years Bangladeshi children. 11. Effectiveness of breast feeding promotion activities in the Bangladesh Integrated Nutrition Programme- ICDDR,B. Dhaka. August 2000.

  1. BulletOsendarp SJM., Roy SK., Fuchs GJ. Results from the Bangladesh Integrated Nutrition Project (BINP) Operations Research Project (ORP). Volume 3. -7. Effective means to address moderately malnourished children within the BINP communities. 8. Effect of addition of Amylase Rich Flour (ARF) on the supplementary food intake of malnourished children. 9. Studies on the mothers' understanding about the GMP cards used in BINP - ICDDR,B. Dhaka. April 2000.

  1. BulletOsendarp SJM., Roy SK., Fuchs GJ. Results from the Bangladesh Integrated Nutrition Project (BINP) Operations Research Project (ORP). Volume 2. -4. Is the supplement a substitute or true supplementation to the usual diet?. 5. Optimal duration of supplementation for malnourished pregnant women. 6. What should be the optimum duration of supplementation for infants?- ICDDR,B. Dhaka. February 2000.

  1. BulletOsendarp SJM., Roy SK., Fuchs GJ. Results from the Bangladesh Integrated Nutrition Project (BINP) Operations Research Project (ORP). Volume 1. -1.Costing of the BINP activities at the community level. 2.Evaluation of indicators for monitoring the project activities under the CBNC of BINP. 3. Exploring the potential to sustain nutrition promotion activities in the community - ICDDR,B, Dhaka, November 1999.

  1. BulletDroop A., Feunekes GIJ., Ham E., Osendarp S., Burema J., van Staveren WA. (Fat intake of adolescents, validation of a short food frequency questionnaire which measures the intake of fat, fatty acids and cholesterol) Tijdschrift voor Sociale Geneeskunde 1995; 73: 57-63. (in Dutch)


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dr. ir. S.J.M. Osendarp

Rodenrijseweg 323

2651 BT Berkel Rodenrijs

The Netherlands

+31 620 784 249


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